Our Story

The story of the birth of Sumesauna

"Dreaming is mandatory and leads to great things, if you get out of bed in the morning just to make your dreams come true!" Rein Kaubi.

The saga of Sumesauna began in 2013. You might think that the author of the sauna got the idea during another sauna evening, when the hot steam had heated his body up. But no, instead, the idea arose during a course for driving a small boat. The topics were about sea charts... and suddenly saunas and steam temperatures appeared in the notes of the creator of Sumesauna.

"The reason that forced me to analyze and compare the types, shapes and solutions of saunas in my mind was very simple - experiences with numerous different saunas did not give me the TRUE blissful feeling that could take over the whole body after a proper sauna session. Some had dim, almost dark steam rooms where you would sit as if in a cave... there were saunas where there was not enough space and not enough air to breathe... and often my back hurt from sitting in a hunched position..."

Basically all the author wanted was to feel comfortable and relaxed when sitting in the sauna, to have a milieu that would create a pleasant feeling of well-being, and which he could recommend to his friends.

The saga of Sumesauna

It was another Saturday when I learned on the Boating course that 1 nautical mile equals 1.852 km. But much more importantly, on that day the first lines of Sumesauna were sketched on paper. The immediate idea was that the sauna should be simple and practical and as comfortable as possible in its simplicity. Since the expectations I set for myself were modest, I started with a comfortable sitting position. When measuring the chair and its backrest, it was clear right away - the wall doesn't have to be just a wall.

The solution was found - the outer wall of the sauna would form a backrest with the correct angle.

But how to achieve the said pleasant milieu, cozy atmosphere and spaciousness?

To achieve all this, it is not enough to only have expensive, high-quality materials, correctly juxtaposed... Our sweet little Estonia has an alternating climate and four seasons, all of which offer different experiences and delights, and which can be enjoyed directly if the conditions are right. Sometimes there is intense weather that can only be enjoyed through the window, basking in the warmth, feeling extremely grateful that you don't have to be outside. And then comes the sun and the warmth and a gentle breeze, which makes you smile and makes you want to spend all these months outside. How to solve it then, the big question arose.

The solution was actually produced by one of the greatest driving forces in our lives - LAZINESS. Laziness was what led to the solution, which results in today's SUMESAUNA with spacious windows and a wonderful view, whether it is the sea, a field, a mountain or some more exquisite place where the sauna is placed - everything reaches the room for the enjoyment of the eyes and the refreshment of the spirit. 

Thus, two of the criteria were met - comfort and milieu. Those who have seen and visited a sauna know very well that even this is not enough, because the heart of a sauna is still STEAM. The right steam should be moist and fresh and airy - a nice, slightly tougher "caress" for the body and mind, and a nice nourishment for the soul. At the same time, the kind that would not cook the lungs and burn all the hair on the body. It was resolved years and years later when thoughts and ideas became a tangible reality.

The first Sumesauna prototype was completed only in December 2021. For 8 long years, the idea and dream of a functional, yet simple sauna matured in the "nursery" of Sumesauna, constantly receiving additions and various technical solutions. Out of a desire to break the horrible myths that have accompanied electric heaters and talk about how the steam from these heaters is anything but pleasant and enjoyable - we decided to crack this nut first. 

Drawing wisdom from the across the world and acquiring it through practical experience, we finally arrived at the result where we developed a natural ventilation and air movement, resulting in a moist and airy steam and an even distribution of heat in the room. The greatest pleasure came from breaking the myth and the confirmation that "the devil lies in the details" - everything is important if the desired result is close to perfection.

As a result of dreaming, laziness and practical doing, something was born that is simple in nature, but functional, logical in its form and ergonomic in use - a sauna that creates a recurring positive emotion - a truly lovely place to enjoy quality time for yourself and to nurture your body and soul. A place that does not leave anyone or anything cold - neither directly nor indirectly. "The bonus value is the fact that the acquired Sumesauna is inversely proportional to the envy of your neighbors :)"

The biggest result, however, is that we can and dare to offer the Sumesauna experience to our future customers and to those who are interested in the long birth story and their bodies are already itching for a misty, pleasantly moist and oxygen-filled steam. On our website, it is possible to complete exactly the kind of Sumesaun that the soul desires and the body demands. If you feel restless while choosing and something remains just as you are still missing - no problem, just write to us and we can match.

Sincerely, Rein Kaubi,

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