

This privacy policy applies to all personal data submitted and collected and processed when using Bixi OÜ's website 

The collected data is processed by the website owner:

Bixi OÜ

We respect your privacy and protect your personal data that you provide to us through the website. The privacy policy explains why we collect your personal data and how we use it.

We use your personal data (email address) for direct marketing based on the consent you give when you enter your personal data in the newsletter subscription form on the website. We may also process the e-mail address of our customers, their representatives and employees for direct marketing based on our legitimate interest, unless the customer objects to receiving marketing communications. 

For direct marketing purposes, we will store and process your personal data in accordance with local laws and practices or until you unsubscribe or withdraw your consent.

Job offers
For personnel selection purposes, we process the personal data of those who have expressed their desire to come to work for us (first and last name, e-mail address, phone number, CV and motivation letter), if a CV has been sent to us by e-mail or through job search portals or via our website. When candidates submit their data to us, the data submission is based on their voluntary consent. The further processing of personal data for the purpose of personnel selection is based on our legitimate interest in processing the candidate's application, evaluating the information provided there, organizing the negotiation process, holding negotiations and maintaining evidence showing the legality of the recruitment process. If you do not provide personal data, we will not be able to invite you to an interview or assess the suitability of your candidacy. 

During personnel selection, we only process information about candidates that is related to their qualifications, professional skills and characteristics. We do not collect or otherwise process special types of personal data about candidates, unless required by law.

We retain candidates' personal data until selection is made to fill the respective position and for up to six months thereafter. At the end of the selection period, we will delete candidates' CVs and other data, unless we have obtained the candidate's consent to further processing of his personal data so that we can offer him other positions. In this case, we will store the candidates' personal data for one year.

Contact form
We use and process your personal data (first and last name, e-mail address and the content of your request) that you have entered in the contact form on our website in order to respond to your request. In this case, the processing is based on our legitimate interest, especially in connection with professional activities, as well as ensuring information security and confidentiality. If you do not provide personal data, we will not be able to respond to your request.

Personal data related to responding to the request will be stored for up to one year.

What type of cookies do we use?
Necessary cookies. Cookies are necessary so that the user can browse the website and use its functions.

Statistical / Performance cookies. These cookies are used to collect information about how visitors use our website. Statistics provide us with information about how often our website is visited, which pages of our website visitors spend the most time on, and how often they use the website or its parts. This allows us to make the structure of our website, navigation and content as user-friendly as possible. 

For analytics purposes, we use Google Analytics services and the cookies provided by them. Please note that although we only have access to aggregate data (we do not use cookies to identify a specific individual), the provider of the respective cookies may have access to your personal data. More information about how Google processes your personal data can be found on the website: Please note that the link leads to a third party website that is not under our control and we are not responsible for its content. By agreeing to the use of third-party cookies, you also consent to the privacy policy of the respective service provider.

Cookies used on the website

Name: gotoandplay_cookie_agreement
Purpose: This cookie is used to close the cookie notification displayed by default on the website (more precisely, when accepting this notification) and the use of the cookie is "allowed" by clicking the button.
Retention period6 months

Name: _gat
Purpose: This is a Google Analytics cookie, the purpose of which is to collect information about website visits.
Retention period: 1 day

Name: _gid
Purpose: It is a Google Analytics cookie, the purpose of which is to distinguish website users. The cookie is active for 24 hours.
Retention period: 1 day

Name: with _
Purpose: It is a Google Analytics cookie, the purpose of which is to distinguish website users. The cookie is active for two years. 
Retention period: 2 years

Transfer of data
We may transfer your personal data for processing to third parties who assist us with website management and data security. Such persons are, for example, providers of databases and software, providers of database management services, direct marketing services or cloud data services, etc. Your personal information may only be disclosed to third parties as required by law, such as to government or law enforcement agencies, the police or supervisory authorities, or to ensure the protection and security of our customers, employees and resources. 

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